Please remove this sign immediately. It is against the law to post such signs. In the eyes of the law, posting such signs is considered to be vandalism. No town or city would give you permission to post art on public property, and especially to post it on traffic signs, where it might create confusion. If you don't remove it immediately, I will remove it myself and discard it.
Posting art on traffic signs is dangerous. How many accidents do you suppose you are going to cause when motorists strain to see what your signs "say"? And did you really think it was legal to post them? Don't you think the police or the traffic department will notice what you're doing and start to remove them? Every sign you put up will eventually be discarded. You're wasting your time. Let me add that you're not the first idiot who has done this kind of thing.
This blog was created for the sole purpose of sharing a seven inch record by legendary unknown Portuguese singing cowboy hero Teddy Jones. I added a couple of other records and then realized that i'm not at all qualified or interested in keeping up a music blog.
Now that i've got a new project, i'm starting up again. This is now a way for me to keep track of a series of 250,000 (give or take 249,985) street signs that i'll be repainting and re-hanging. I'm currently working out of Providence, RI (where, for the time being, most of these will be hung). On rare occasion i get out of town and will try to hang one or two when i do... It's slow going.
If you have any tips on where i can find more decommissioned signs cheap without stealing them, let me know...... Or if you're willing to steal them for me.
If you're up for hanging one where you live, let me know. I'd like to spread them out a little further, but i rarely get away. Naturally i'll need scout's honor that you'll be hanging it in the street and not on your living room wall. These were never meant to be hung on walls. Unless of course you've stolen one from its natural habitat. If that's the case, i'm dying for a photo of your living room. No hard feelings. After all, i've got 250,000 of these things. ........................................ If you happen across either of the three music posts and are interested, the download links are long dead. I will not resuscitate them. But if you enjoy the preview tracks, i'll be more than happy to send you a copy.
For the record, all of these signs are purchased legally. I'm far too paranoid (and far too old) to be stealing street signs. I get nervous enough sneaking out to hang them.
It's no secret that i'm wasting my time. But most of these signs have gone missing recently, and, considering the timing, i've got a pretty good feeling that a certain self-righteous half-wit (who, on account of his bravery and heroism, humbly chooses to remain anonymous) has something to do with it. If i've managed to piss off one random a$$#*le this much over something so stupid and harmless, i've accomplished something.
Well, maybe not something. But pissing off an uppity asshat from Warren counts a little.....
I'm awarding myself five points.
cklequ: 5/asshat: 0
(Stealing signs doesn't earn you points. It just makes you look like more of an asshat.)
I'm starting to think that posting the address where these things are hung is a bad idea. And painting the blog address on the back of the signs is a bad idea. And ever setting foot in Warren, RI again is a bad idea (clearly it's a town populated by nothing but angry bitter old men with a smug sense of superiority and far too much free time on their hands). I heard it was an arts friendly place. I heard wrong.
Live and learn.
.....i've been slacking off on the signs recently. It's been kind of cold outside. And so many of the best signs going missing in such a short period of time has got me a little blue. Don't think you've got the upper hand on me there, Warren. I've been looking at "a little blue" in the rear view mirror for thirty plus years. That's the whole reason i waste my time with crap like this.
Good therapy...
I'm done with Providence. The remaining 249,985 signs will be hung in Warren. For my biggest fan (the biggest little idiot in a little state full of big idiots).
Please remove this sign immediately. It is against the law to post such signs. In the eyes of the law, posting such signs is considered to be vandalism. No town or city would give you permission to post art on public property, and especially to post it on traffic signs, where it might create confusion. If you don't remove it immediately, I will remove it myself and discard it.
Posting art on traffic signs is dangerous. How many accidents do you suppose you are going to cause when motorists strain to see what your signs "say"? And did you really think it was legal to post them? Don't you think the police or the traffic department will notice what you're doing and start to remove them? Every sign you put up will eventually be discarded. You're wasting your time. Let me add that you're not the first idiot who has done this kind of thing.
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